Jogging For Beginners

People have always run, but in recent years jogging and running have become almost a good pastime. In the US alone, more than 10 billion people invest in treadmills that itself testifies the craze of jogging and running among Americans. There are many reasons for this new popularity: running – and its slower form, jogging – is convenient, affordable, flexible maintainable, satisfying, and produces numerous psychological as well as physiological benefits.

Anyone who is reasonably fit can enjoy jogging or running, and most people are probably attracted to it initially because of its convenience. It doesn’t require advance booking or a special location, so you can always fit it in with your schedule, anytime, anywhere, even when you travel; many hotels throughout the world are tuned in to the needs of their running guests and may have prepared maps of the locale to help you plan your route.

How to Begin Jogging? Before beginning jogging or any other aerobic activity, you must first be sure to check with your doctor. If you decide to add this sport to your life, discipline is essential if you are to be successful at it. Let your program become a habit like brushing your teeth: in other words, don’t think about it, just do it. Your ultimate goal is to exercise at least three times a week, for at least 20 minutes each time within your target heart range.

Evaluate where you are on the fitness scale so that you establish realistic and attainable goals. If you are at a minimal fitness level and come to this activity from a sedentary lifestyle, it is best to begin your routine by walking. When you walk three miles in less than 45 minutes, you are ready to begin to jog and, later, to run, although some people choose never to increase their pace.

The three variables to consider when planning a program are frequency, duration, and intensity. By manipulating these factors you will build endurance, and progress to higher levels of fitness. If you have engaged in physical activities but are new to jogging, you might want to begin with a 20-minute session, interspersing jogging and walking until you feel comfortable about dropping the walking and only jogging for that length of time. Where to Jog? Always find a smooth surface and avoid coarse surface to jog. Avoid slanting places because their unevenness will put you off balance and cause stress on one side of the body, which can lead to injury. If you do run on a graded surface, go back the way you came to ensure you balance the body’s stress. Try to choose low-traffic areas, and if you must run with cars and trucks, make sure that you face oncoming vehicles for safety. Drap yourself with vibrant colored clothes, if you jog at night.

Alternatively, you can also jog on treadmills, but that’s an investment. Moreover, jogging in changing landscapes is something different, and those who regular jogs know best what motivates them to run on roads.
 Many people jog in pairs, but it also often suits people who prefer to exercise alone or can exercise only at times that are not convenient for other people. Jogging is the most popular aerobic exercise to date.
Before & After JoggingAlways make the warm-up and cool-down part of your program, and practice the stretching and strengthening exercises suited to jogging and running. To check how you are landing against your running surface, examine how your shoes are wearing. If one side is considerably more worn, you might need inserts to correct this problem. When you first begin, or when you intensify your program, you might experience soreness or discomfort. This is your body adjusting to a new level of activity. The soreness will abate if you work out on alternate days and treat yourself to warm, soothing baths afterwards.

When you begin running, you should quickly fall into a style that suits you. A good running posture will make your workout easier and safer. Jog comfortably in an upright position, and keep your ribcage lifted out of the waist. Relax the upper body by keeping your head high and dropping your shoulders. Your arms should be relaxed, with elbows slightly bent, wrists lower than elbows, and fingers slightly curled. Carry your arms slightly away from your body and let them swing easily.

Start with small strides and alter them until you find your natural, most comfortable stride length. Breathe regularly, emphasizing the exhalation. Test whether you are running within your capabilities by keeping a check on your pulse and by always breathing easily. You should be able to talk as you run.

Wear proper shoes for jogging, and absorbent clothes (never rubber) suited to the weather.

Benefits of Jogging

Running and jogging increase strength in the legs and lead to improved functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

They are also an excellent stress buster.

They also are excellent calorie-burning activities. The number of calories that you burn per minute is dependent on your weight and the speed at which you move.

The jogging and running raise your basal metabolic rate not only while you are doing it, but also for up to eight hours afterwards, which is good news for dieters.

You will also derive other pleasures from running, not the least of which is the satisfaction that you have taken time to do something positive for yourself.

You will find that jogging and running consistently will help you to cope better with the stresses and frustrations of everyday life. If you drink, eat, or smoke too much, it is worth trying jogging as a substitute.

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