Men Menopause
Let’s the fact straight; women are not only who suffer from the side-effects of menopause but men also suffer from male menopause, which is in the medical term called andropause. The studies say men often suffer from the same symptoms that women experience during perimenopause and menopause. Although medical fraternity does not conclusively call it the cessation of a reproductive stage in men, however, they suffer a similar mental and physical transformation during the time. Most families help women to cope with the struggling midlife transition, but most men are left to battle it out alone. Male V/S Female MenopauseMen do not go through a specific time period, so doctors often call it a problem of male sex hormone (testosterone), which may be decreased drastically in aging men. Men do experience a decline of androgen with age, also in some diseases like diabetes and other men experience this declination. On the other hand, women experience a complete cessation of reproductive glands to produce estrogen, causing a complete stop in the sex hormone. Period stops in women and they fail to get pregnant. In men testosterone level drops but that doesn’t lead to infertility. Along with a decline in androgen, men suffer from some typical problems, which are quite similar to women. The symptoms are fatigue, weakness, depression, and sexual problems. Unlike in women where estrogen production is completely ceased, men experience a noticeable decline in testosterone. The testes still produce a hormone, though in low volume, in fact, a healthy man can produce androgen even at the age of 80. |
Some experts argue that analogy to female PMS and male menopause are carried too far. It is the fact that testosterone level after a certain age diminishes in men, but in women, it is a far greater extent. In men they never loss fertility even in some cases in mid 80s men produce essential substances in testes for fertilization. |
How to Diagnose Male Menopause? The doctor diagnoses andropause or male menopause in different ways: 1. A thorough physical examination to see whether a patient suffers from any chronic disease 2. To analyze the symptoms 3. Tests of diseases that can lead to low testosterone level such as diabetes 4. A blood test to check the volume of male hormone How to Treat Male Menopause? First thing is to be aware of this condition in men. Remove the stress factors from life, it’s more often noticed that external stress triggers the condition more. You need to understand what your body is trying to tell you, be aware of the factors that lead to stress in your life. A treatment Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) can greatly improve the hormonal level. TRT though has some side effects such as prostate cancer, still if you are considering androgen therapy; consult your doctor to understand the thing fully. Lifestyle changing is also essential to fight with low testosterone problem such you need to care about diet, exercise program, avoid anti-depressant medication and potent drugs. In holistic treatment, exposure to sunlight can trigger vitamin D3 synthesis in the body, which is good for the functioning of glands and bones. Try using organic food more like green leafy vegetable, fruits like bananas, figs, almonds, avocado, flax seeds, fish but avoid red meat. |